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College And Career Readiness

Family and Consumer Science (FCS) courses in middle and high schools are essential to student growth and development. These courses help prepare youth for life beyond high school, whether that is college or going straight into the work force, or both!!! FCS career pathways include Human Services, Hospitality and Tourism, Education and Training, and Visual Arts. Students learn lifetime skills in FCS in courses such as Human Growth and Development, Culinary Arts, Dollars and Sense, Hospitality and Tourism, Interior Design, Fashion Design, and Food Science.  


FCCLA is a student led organization that is directly tied to FCS.  This organization helps grow and develop leaders for the future through community service, building family values, as well as career investigation and development.  Students build 21st century employability skills such as effective communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem solving. 


Some FCCLA project examples that build essential skills are:

STAR Event Job Interview

STAR Event Food Innovations

STAR Event Leadership

STAR Event Community Service

FCCLA Power Of One-A Better You, Family Ties, Working on Working, Take the Lead, and Speak Out for FCCLA

Spotlight Project FACTS-Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety



Site by Jimmy Hendricks

Photos by Christi Crowe


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