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FCCLA's Program of Work

Tioga FCCLA's Program of Work is designed to help our advisor and members focus on chapter and member goals, as well as evaluation methods to help us meet those goals. A monthly calendar is also part of our Program of Work that details activities and events that our chapter is involved with. 

Current Goals.

Some of the goas we have at here at Tioga are as follows. 


Increase membership by 20%

Increase member participation

Have a positive impact on the community

Have more regularly scheduled chapter meetings


Increase knowledge about FCCLA in the community and school


Raise money for chapter activities and travel


Encourage and create opportunities for family bonding

Plans to achieve our goals

  1. Membership drive and publicity

  2. Promote past and future successes in FCCLA; regular chapter meetings and activities for member participation 

  3. Community Service projects-Pink Out,Trunk or Treat,  Christmas on Gene Autry, Wreaths Across America, Angel Tree, 

  4. Put meetings on the schedule at the beginning of the school year

  5. Use various forms of communication to educate what FCCLA is all about (social media, word of mouth, newspapers, community activities)

  6. Fundraising efforts-Beckman Bros; Concessions; TheClothesBin

  7. Host 2 Family friendly activities-trunk or treat and Light Up Tioga Event

Chapter Goals-Region, State and National Leadership Conferences

1. a.) Register members in team and individual STAR Events, Spotlight Projects, FCSA’s to compete at the Regional, State and National levels. 

b.) Increase the number of advancing projects to state by 10%.

c.) Maintain the number of teams advancing to Nationals as the 2023-24 school year (3 teams advanced last year)

Plans to achieve our goals

1.  a.)Set bi-weekly and/or monthly goals for members to complete tasks toward completion of competitive event projects. 

b.) Prepare projects following the rubrics closely and keep advisor informed of progress and/or needs

c.) Memorize speeches (especially at state and national levels)

d.) After each level of completion, closely evaluate judges’ rubrics and feedback and make improvements where needed. 

Chapter Goals-Members

  1. Increase member confidence

  2. Develop member leadership and communication skills

  3. Participate in FCCLA member development

  4. Develop service oriented members

  5. Career exploration and employability skills

  6. Student completion of all 5 Power of One Units

Plans to Achive our Goals

  1. Form FCCLA “family” relationships, acceptance and inclusion

  2. Increase membership and encourage participation in chapter activities and competition 

  3. Attend Fall Leadership Workshop and regularly scheduled chapter meetings

  4. Participate in community service projects and evaluate rewards of projects

  5. Career cruising activities (interest based survey)

  6. Set aside 4-5 weeks to accomplish Power of One Units

Evaluation Methods-Chapter 

Chapter roster will show increase in membership from 54 members in 2023-24 to 84 members in 2024-25

Registered number of competitors in STAR events and conferences increased from 28 in 2023-24 to 38 in 2024-25.

Member involvement in events and activities will increase (other than competitive events)-participation of members with pink-out, concessions, county creative arts show.

Chapter meetings will be help every 3-4 weeks during all 3 lunch periods.  Members in attendance will sign in for the meetings. 

Social media posts, newspaper articles and word of mouth will increase community knowledge of the Tioga FCCLA chapter.

Mickman Brothers fundraiser raised approximately $750 to go toward travel and competitive event expenses.  Clothes Bin has raised approximately $250 so far this year.  Various concessions (fall festival, sports events, academic events) have raised approximately $1200 so far this year.

Trunk or Treat event and the Light Up Tioga event provided opportunities for families to come together for an eventing of family fun, without costing families any money. 

Evaluation Methods-Member

Members will exhibit more confidence in their public speaking and leadership skills

Members will have more opportunities to participate in in various FCCLA activities which provide will provide more networking among other FCCLA members and chapters outside of THS 

Members will become more service oriented and will eagerly participate in serving our chapter members, school, and community

Members will continue to develop employability skills, such as effective communication, work ethic, and teamwork, as they compete and serve in leadership roles.  In participating in competitive events, members will further analyze career opportunities that may interest them.

Members will be recognized for completing Power of One units prior to Region and/or State Conferences.


Region, State and National Goals- positive feedback and scores on rubrics from judges.  

Site by Jimmy Hendricks

Photos by Christi Crowe


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